Stoyan Stefanov: High Performance Kick-Ass Web Apps

Got a slow web application? Dr. Stefanov is writing a prescription for you on how to put your application on a web diet using a wide array of techniques, tricks, and magic. Stoyan takes a deep dive into web technology and how to optimize it at levels that rarely get touched upon, even at tech conferences. His experience in pipelining, cacheing, image inlining, and smushing at Yahoo! Developer Network is shared with you to take advantage of every possible performance improvement ever known. He demonstrates how to use, minifiers, and other ninja techniques to make the web faster than ever before. This is a must see for any and every web developer.

Stoyan Stefanov: High Performance Kick-Ass Web Apps Stoyan Stefanov: High Performance Kick-Ass Web Apps Reviewed by ADM on setembro 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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